Friday, January 30, 2009

Lancy Pants

Here's my little tribute to Lance Armstrong. I wish him a great year! At the age of 37, you should see the shape Mr. Armstrong is in. There's a couple photos and a really great quote from Lance "I'm coming. And I'm coming on behalf of eight million people who are going to die around the world this year, and I think it's a noble reason to get back on my bike." (Outside Magazine February 2009 p. 46).

(I'm still sick and missing training.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Progress in Playroom

One setback in Cadie continuing to have a 102 fever and a bad cold so I"m stuck inside. I'm getting sick too. I did manage to build the stand for the dresses. It's kind of wobbly but I will fix that when I can get out and about again. One regret is there is paint on the garage floor from the mirror and the chairs. I need a workshop.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here is the mirror. I used pink enamel with gold. It is coming out better than I originally thought it was. I sanded the old mirror and cleaned it and used spray paint for the pink enamel and brushed on the gold. I've done 3 coats now and it's drying. Cadie is very sick with a high fever and a bad cold so my errands and fabric store have been put on hold. She had to stay home from school and she is very lethargic. Poor baby!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playroom Project Update

The chairs and the mirror have been painted and are drying. Next, we've got to get to the fabric store for some princess fabrics.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Princess Playroom Ongoing Project

I bought some boards at Home Depot to create the hanger for the princess dresses. I bought a $6.00 cork board at Goodwill and I plan on covering it with pink and white polka dot cloth (saw it at Pottery Barn Kids) and I bought a $9.99 mirror that is pretty heavy and solid that I'm going to paint either gold or pink. The white chairs were $2.00 each at the Library Second Hand Store and I'm going to make pink covers with my sewing machine. There is also a baby doll chair that I paid $2 for at the Goodwill and I am going to paint that. We'll see how it turns out!

Playroom Project

This playroom is a mess, I know. The project this week is to make it into a princess room with tea table and dress up area. I've got my work cut out for me for sure but I know I can do it. Cadie is really into dressing up as a princess and having tea. She's growing up!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday's Snow

We had a family outing to the gym today. I lifted weights and Ed ran his laps around the indoor track. The highlight of the day was my early morning drive in the snow down Thompson towards Cornell and the trees were all white with snow, the road was completely covered with snow and it was very quiet. Lance Armstrong finished 39th in the Tour Down Under but he did very well in his sprints and I'm looking forward to seeing him race more this year.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday's Cycling

I rode 45 minutes easy at the gym indoors watching snowflakes fall. I wonder if it's sunny in California? HR was between 120 and 140.

I heard Lance Armstrong is racing in the Tour Down Under. TiVo recorded it and now I really want to watch it. I wonder how well he did? Lance is my hero!

The Motivation Continues

I am going to run Rock N Roll Seattle in June with some ladies and I received an email with this motivational link.

If you have 7 minutes to watch it, it would be worth it.

100 Runs in 100 Days

Ed is participating in the 100 runs in 100 days on slowtwitch. Currently Ed is 7th out of 565 people in frequency and top 25 in distance and speed. The challenge is currently on day 40 and Ed has logged 52 runs and 223 miles so far. Go Ed!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fridays training

Today I did a short ride OUTSIDE from my house up to Skyline. It's a climb for about 5 miles and then back down. I couldn't find one of my gloves nor could I find one of my toe covers. That short ride froze my fingers and toes. But it felt good getting outside. We'll see if I will continue to ride outside when the rain starts. (The pic is my backside on the bike course of Ironman Boise 70.3. Yee haw!

Getting to know my iPhone

I finally figured out how to upload photos from the iPhone to my computer. I've got over 625 pics on that little thing. Here's a shot of Cadie in gymnastics yesterday at OGA. She loves gymnastics and even when I took out of class in November and December she asked me every day "are we going to gymnastics today" and wanted to do the hand cheer each night before bed. 1 - 2 - 3 GYMNASTICS. Gymnastics is one of her favorite things to do.

the distance of truth

I watched the dvd "the distance of truth" and it left me feeling inspired. A quote from the movie:

"One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with noble risks, is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum, in which men steal through existence like sluggish waters through a marsh, without either honor or observation." - Sir Walter Scott

The Badwater Ultramarathon ( is known as the toughest footrace on earth. The race is 135 miles from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney in temperatures of 130 degreesF. "the distance of truth" follows a Canadian ultramarathoner, Ferg Hawke as he competes against some of the greats, Dean Karnazes ( and Pam Reed - the first human to run 300 miles straight without sleep.

This dvd makes me think, "Have I done enough?"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oregon Broker's License

After 160 hours of real estate education classes at Portland Community College, $3000, background check, National and State testing, interviews and commitment, I am sending in my Oregon Broker's License Application today. If all goes well (cross-fingers) then I will be licensed to legally sell and manage real estate in the state of Oregon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday is Ballet for Cadie

There are four parents and me with cameras and telephoto lenses all trying to get a good picture of our 2 and 3 year olds in ballet class. We are so proud and optimistic! When we got into the car, I asked her what she learned in ballet and she said "Kevin pooped his pants today."

Gab's Training

First day of cycling training for Gab. The weather is still too cold for my taste (28) so I had to ride indoors at the gym on the bike. I rode 55 minutes with 12 miles of hr below 140 then 5 minutes cool down. I've got a lot of work to do on my base!!! This picture was taken at the Treasure Island Triathlon in 2004 by I miss my old bike. Sniff. Sniff. Can you see the San Francisco skyline in the background? I miss SF. Sniff Sniff.